Categories: Jewelry

The jewelry schools and gemstone courses of the world

The best jewelry craftsmen and craftswomen learned the science of jewels and gems through books, experience, and by attending the finest educational programs.

There are plenty of courses and programs for both jewelry enthusiasts and professional goldsmiths. Jewelry owners have often felt they have something unique in their hands.

Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and all other gemstones are a gift of Nature and take thousands of years to form and to get to us.

Learning the origin, the chemical constitution, the exploration process, the final cut, and the transformation of gems into unique and exquisite jewelry pieces is paramount.

Remaking a necklace or a ring, restoring a diamond to its original brightness, and buying the jewels that fit your needs are all issues that require knowledge and experience.

Gemology studies gemstones and prepares jewelry professionals for identifying, working with, and evaluating gems.

A jewelry collector doesn’t necessarily need to be an expert, but he will certainly have to deepen his studies to make correct investment decisions.

Why is zircon considered the diamond imitator? Why is quartz the most common gem on Earth? Why does ruby mean health and happiness? Why may inorganic materials play a crucial role in jewelry? What is the difference between 10K and 14K gold?

There are specific educational courses for those seeking a jewelry career, as well as very useful studies for those who just want to know more about the jewels they own.

Learning about gold, platinum, silver, pearls, and diamond jewelry is very exciting and addictive.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is the world’s foremost authority in geology.

The institution offers on-campus courses, distance education programs, and lab classes for all types of lifestyles and agendas.

In Europe, the London Jewellery School is UK’s largest independent jewelry training center. Established in London’s iconic jewelry quarter, Hatton Garden, the organization offers over 100 classes.

The most important institutions teaching jewelry, design, goldsmithing, and grading are:

USA Jewelry Schools

American Jewelers Institute
American School of Jewelry
Chicago Jewelry School
Conner Jewelers School
Drouhard National Jeweler’s School
Fine Jewelry School
Gemological Institute of America
Miami Jewelry School
New Approach School for Jewelers
Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts
Stewart’s International School for Jewelers
Studio Jewelers Ltd.
The Howard Academy for the Metal Arts

UK Jewelry Schools

Flux’n’Flame Jewellery School
Holts Academy of Jewellery
London Jewellery School
Mid Cornwall School of Jewellery
School of Jewellery
Sussex Jewellery School
Whitney Jewellery School
York School of Jewellery

Italy Jewelry Schools

Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School & Academy
Metallo Nobile
Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana

Canada Jewelry Schools

École de Joaillerie de Montréal
Vancouver Metal Art School

Australia Jewelry Schools

Sydney Jewellery School

New Zealand Jewelry Schools

Peter Minturn Goldsmith School
